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Class schedule

Find the perfect time for your workouts by exploring our detailed class schedule.

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
05:00 AMStrengthCircuitStrengthCircuitStrength
06:00 AMStrengthCircuitStrengthCircuitStrength
09:00 AMCircuit
10:00 AMGet Up, Swings & Mobility
12:00 PMStrengthStrength
04:30 PMStrengthStrength
05:30 PMStrengthCircuitStrengthCircuitStrength
06:30 PMKettle Bell


Strength Training

Strength training in a group setting where we place emphasis on using proper technique to get stronger.

Circuit Training

This session uses multiple timed working stations to keep you moving along differently than on strength training days. A mix of strength and accessory moves to complete your workout.

Kettlebell Sports

We go next level with the kettlebell for all levels. We incorporate hardstyle skills and olympic movement skills, all with complete guidance from a coach.


Check out our pricing.

Our gym offers membership options starting at just $169/month. Learn more about our pricing options now.

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